Friday, March 23, 2012

We had such a fun Spring Week!  The weather was beautiful and we spent so much time outside!  Our natural playground is so beautiful at the daycare and the kids spend a lot of time running up and rolling down hills, sliding, jumping and just being kids!

This was our sensory table for the week.  This table stays the same all week long and is out during free play and centers.  I don't know if you can see it, but the birds nest is a real nest that was found on the playground.  I have a fascination with birds nest lately and now we have another one on a tray with magnifying glasses for the kids to explore.  This sensory tub also have birdseed, pinecones, scented pumpkins (potpourri), feathers, big and small black buttons, a bird house and magnifying glasses.  I also bought small (fake) birds eggs and birds.

I redid the room a little this past weekend and this is our new science center.  The blue tub pictured above, is right below me on the picture but you can't see it.  On our shelf we have store bought and homemade sensory bottles, musical instruments, magnifying glasses, kaleidoscopes, color paddles, dinosaurs, animal fact cards, a cd player for classical music (which I must find new ones of because mine are all scratched), our fish named Blue, our plant and cactus, word cards and pictures of the life cycle of a chick.  We will leave up the chick facts for awhile since the past two weeks we have been hatching chicks!!!!

This is a close up of our life cycle eggs.  It was a big egg with the life cycle of a chick.  We started with the egg and the next part is the egg cracking and the baby chick is peeking out of the egg...notice the baby chick's face..some of the girls even drew the chicks with eyelashes!!!  The next step was the baby chick with his soft feahters and he grows up into a hen (or rooster) which they made with their hands!  I found this idea at "I Heart Crafty Things"...ours is almost the same, but I had to change some things for time sake.

Here's the link to their project!

This table is holding our BUGS!! Ewww...they are dead bugs encased in some sort of glass.  I (stole) borrowed these from the school age room two years ago because their kids never used them and my kids go CRAZY for them!...especially the boys of course! :)

Our room smelled like coffee all week thanks to our "dirt" sensory tub!  We will be using real dirt during our gardening week so we used a different variation this week.  The kids love the coffee...definitely NOT one of my favorite smells.

I like to source where I got my ideas but I cannot remember where this came from.  It was a cute art project showing that baby chicks hatch from eggs.  Some of our friends made chicks coming out of the egg, some made the chick hiding in the egg...they were super cute!!!  The second picture is the whole wall of chicks!

We worked on tracing this week.  This was tracing curved lines and circles!  They turned out neat and the kids really took their time!

This was one of our math worksheets this week. The kiddos had to count the leaves on the branches and circle the numbers.  They breezed through's amazing so see how far some of my kids have grown and developed since they walked into my doors in September!  They make me proud...ok I'm done gushing!!

 This art project was very fun for the kids and worked on their fine motor skills. They had to crumble up the tissue paper to glue on to represent flowers on our spring tree.  They turned out cute and very colorful!

These were a very simple and fun project for the kids and they actually took awhile on them.  You probably can't tell but they are capital letter B birds.  Don't you love the backwards B! ;)

Hope you enjoy the beautiful weather, even though it looks like it's suppose to be a little rainy this weekend!  We had a great week and look forward to our next week entitled "March Goes In Like A Lion and Out Like A Lamb..." stay tuned for more exciting adventures! :)


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