Thursday, March 15, 2012

St. Patrick's Week

Hi Everyone!  We had a fantastic week.  The leprechaun is making his final debut tomorrow and messing up the room!  That tricky's funny how gullible these kids are.  They have no idea that me and Mr. Jason disappear for awhile! :) that's why I love this age!  Anyway I wanted to recap our fun week before you see the crazy pictures from Friday!

Check out our leprechaun...he was so silly hanging from our clothesline :)  He magically moved while we were outside!!

Below is our friend Roy G. Biv.  I also found this idea on and you teach the kiddos about the color of the rainbow by putting the colored strips of paper in order from red to violet!  What a neat idea and it turned out really well.  We cut the strips a little too big that some of our friends looked a little like lions but they got the point!

Like any holiday, the kids need their hands painted!
 It's amazing how many different things you can turn a handprint into!!!

Off Topic, but I wanted to share a photo of our awesome bulletin board that DID NOT win the bulletin board contest for March.  Can you sense I'm still a bit bitter.  I am a very competitive person and I guess I might still need to work on that!  Anyway...the kids LOVED this bulletin board because essentially the crocodile is eating the kids while they are "reading" Dr. Seuss books.  I also cut the letters out of my cricut machine and I think they turned out so so so cute!

These were our curly bearded leprechauns.  I found this idea via and the idea was so cute!  They had to make their leprechaun and answer the question why they feel lucky!

Our split pea sensory tub.  We loved scooping, pooring and measuring.  This sensory table led to an indepth discussion about split pea soup (gross!) but apparently some of the kids LOVE! :)

In math we were working on counting and one to one correspondence.  We had 10 pots of gold to count the coins and match them to the right number.  We used our fingers to count slowlyyyyyyyy...

I found these masks at AcMoore for a dollar. They are so neat :)

This is where our leprechaun was hiding on WEdnesday morning dressed up in green glasses...I missed taking his picture before he ran away but he left his coins for our friends to find!

On Thursday we painted rainbows!  Love the use of colors :)

This was our hat that the kiddos had to cut out the shapes and glue them onto the matching shape on the leprechaun's hat.  They did fantastic!!! I am so proud when I see kiddos that couldn't cut before, now can cut out itty bitty shapes like this!!

The eggs are here!!!  Quiver farms has been doing this project with us for many years and the kids love love love it!  Farmer Eric came and brought us a dozen eggs to put in our incubator.  He also showed us a hen and a rooster that were so cool to see!  The eggs should hatch on Monday or Tuesday so Wednesday, Thursday and Friday we will be visiting the chicks!

Check back tomorrow and see the pictures of our leprechaun disaster!

Miss Danielle

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