Monday, February 25, 2013

US History Week

This week was US History and Landmarks!
We celebrate President's Day!!  We learned about Abraham Lincoln, George Washington and President Obama!  We sorted and cleaned pennies in the water table!  We sorted and counted money in our science center (which was so exciting).  We even did penny rubbings.  We drew our own depictions of the American Flag and finger painted the Flag (which you will see a photo of later).
We ordered pennies on a number line from 1-22 and even practiced counting in Spanish!
One of my favorite activities...
I took a photo of their profile and cut it out on black paper.  They cut out the circle, glued on their photo and wrote their name!  So cute!
Here you can see a side by side comparison....

Here was us cleaning pennies in the sensory tub.  Miss Danielle added so much soap, you couldn't even see the pennies!  We used this tub for 4 days and it never got old!  Kids LOVE bubbles!
This was one of our left over Valentine projects!  We used water colors to paint in our salad spinners.  This was such a neat activity because we would add one color, spin it and look at it.  Then we would add another color and so on until all 5 colors were added.  The kids LOVED looking at it in between each color.

  Another salad spinner project
We even finger painted!
 These were our Abraham Lincolns.  Can you see the beards?  They also had to tell us what they would hide under their top hats...a lot of students would hide a bunny!
Introducing Flat Stanley!  If you have never read the book Flat Stanley please do so!  Anyway...Stanley gets flattened by a bulletin board and his family mails him to California to visit his friend.  He also helps catch a bank robber and flies like a kite.  We colored our own Flat Stanleys and hopefully some of our families will mail him to their families too!  We'd like to create a map of all the places our Flat Stanley's have visited!  Miss Vanessa is taking hers to Disney and Miss Danielle also mailed hers to a family member in Florida and a friend in Australia!!!
On Cherry Pie Day (yes we ate Cherry Pie...yum!), we used our red "cherry" pom poms to spell out the letter Mm.
We also cut M's out of map and glued it on our paper!  It was a very good fine motor skill to cut straight and diagonal lines.
I wish I would have taken in progress photos of this project but it was very involved!  We blew through straws to spread out our brown watercolor paint and tried to make trees.  Some of our friends needed some help but they turned out cute!...
After they dried we used q-tips to paint cherries on them! 


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