Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Earth Week

It was Earth Week!  I forgot my camera all I could only take pictures of some of our art work but I'll try to fill in the blanks as best as I can!  We had lots of trash to recycle this week in our dramatic play center and we did a good job figuring out what was trash and what was not!  We even used big trucks to haul our trash away!  On Thursday and Friday we even built with our trash...we had an Earth themed sensory tub with green dried peas and marbles that looked like the Earth.

This was actually the middle of the week craft.  We made owls for our slogan, "Give a Hoot, Don't Pollute"...they turned out super cute!  They all look the same, but some have eyelashes, lines on their bellies and funny feet! :)

These were our fingerprint trees.  They turned out super colorful!  The kids love fingerpainting, smearing and having fun with paints...

This might be my favorite craft of all time and it was so fun for the kids...I found this idea on Pinterest (where else?? lol)...The kids used blue and green markers to color a coffee filter and than sprayed it with water and we let it dry.  Miss Becky and I painted their hands a neat blue color so it looked like they were "holding" the earth in their hands!

On Monday and Tuesday we read the story of The Lorax and talked about why we should take care of the trees.  Our three part craft was to make the Lorax character, watercolor the background and than add the truffula trees because truffula trees are what everyone needs!  A lot of the kids knew who the Lorax was from the movie! :)

We also worked really hard to explain what would make the Earth happy and sad.  We talked about things like air and water pollution, smoke, and garbage make the Earth sad.  Things like recycling, throwing away trash, and planting the garden make the Earth happy!

We had a great week learning about the Earth but are very excited about gardening week next week!  We will be playing with worms! :)


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